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Ramsar Convention(Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat)

Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry > Ramsar Convention(Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat)


To stop the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve, through wise use and management of the remaining wetlands.

2nd February 1971

Entered into Force:
5th October 1990

Government obligation:

To designate wetlands and stem progressive encroachment on and an loss of wetlands.

Focal Points:

  • KWS
    Jane M. Macharia
    Research Scientist, CEPA Government Representative National Museums of Kenya,
    CEPA Government Focal Point.
  • Patrick Omondi Oduor
    Biodiversity, Research and Planning-Kenya Wildlife Service
    National Focal Point, STRP Focal Point.
    Paul Matiku
    Executive Director
    Nature Kenya (the EANHS)
    CEPA NGO Focal Point
  • Charles Musyoki
    Director General
    Kenya Wildlife Service
    Head of Administrative Authority.

Projects/ Initiatives:

Communicatios, Education, Participation and Awareness (CEPA) project. It is already complete. The project was funded by the Ramsar Small Grants Fund.

Training and Technical assistance on aquasiviculture and apiculture to mangrove based communities in Kenya  project.  The project was done between 2003- 2004 funded by the Ramsar Small Grants Funds.

Kenya wetland atlas (2012).It contains detais of the wetlands in Kenya and challenges they are facing. It was funded by the Kenyan Govertnment ant the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA).

Lake Jipe Conservation Initiative. It was funded by the UNDP, Global Environmental Facility and was awarded Ksh 24 million.

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