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Kenya’s Nature People and Climate Investment Plan

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Kenya’s Nature People and Climate Investment Plan

  • Posted by: Kiman
  • Category: LATEST NEWS
Disclosure of Kenya’s Nature People and Climate Investment Plan.
Kenya was among 9 other countries in the world participating in the Climate Investments Fund – Nature People and Climate (NPC) Program. The State Department of Environment Climate Change through the National Environment Trust Fund (NETFUND) working with the relevant sector agencies and with the support of the World Bank, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) have developed the first draft of Kenya’s Investment Plan. So far, two missions have been held whereby the draft plan has been presented to stakeholders for comments and input.
As part of the preparation process, the Investment Plan has been made available for public information and comment on NETFUND and Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry (MoECCF) websites for the next two weeks prior to its finalization. The document will be on the website from 12th to 28th December 2024. The Public is therefore invited to review the document and provide feedback that will be considered for incorporation.
Kindly submit your comments to or
Author: Kiman
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