To protect the biological diversity from the potential risks posed by living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology.
Date adopted:
29th January 2000
Kenya signed:
15th May 2000
Date entered into force:
11th September 2003
Date Kenya ratified:
24th January 2002
To put in place the legal, policy and institutional framework for the implementation of the protocol and to establish competent authorities to act as focal points for the protocol and serve as the bio-safety clearing house.
GTI National Focal Points
Cartagena Protocol Primary NFPMr. Darington O. Ogoyi
Chief Executive Officer
National Biosafety Authority
Primary Cartagena Protocol National Focal Point.
Cartagena Protocol emergency contact point, BCH NFP
Mr. Theophilus Mwendwa Mutui.
Chief Biodiversity Officer
Compliance and Enforcement
National Biodiversity Authority.
Cartagena Protocal Emergency contact point, BCH national Focal Point.