The last two weeks have been extremely busy and demanding for UNEA-6 delegates involved in tenacious yet productive negotiations on some 15 Resolutions, and 2 Decisions.
As stated by H.E President Dr. William Ruto at the High Level Session of Heads of State and Government on Thursday, Kenya is working with all to make multilateralism more effective, inclusive and sustainable as a tool for addressing the global climate crisis.
High-level dialogues on synergies between UNEP and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), and on science policy interface left no doubt on the need to promote synergies and policy coherence within closely related MEAs for impactful outcomes at national level.
Cabinet Secretary Hon. Soipan Tuya spoke this evening at the Closing Session of UNEA-6 during which H.E Abdullah bin Ali Al Omari, Chairman of the Environment Authority of the Sultanate of Oman, was elected the President of UNEA-7 to be held in Nairobi from 8th to 12th December 2025.
The Cabinet Secretary was accompanied by the Ministry’s Head of Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) Ms. Linda Kosgei.